The instruments used by the Italian centres for cognitive disorders and dementia to diagnose mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
Federica LimongiMarianna NoaleAngelo BianchettiNicola FerraraAlessandro PadovaniElio ScarpiniMarco TrabucchiStefania MaggiSara AntonucciMaria Grazia ArenaStefano AvanziFederica BaroccoRoberta BaschiDaniele BellandiCarlo Adriano BiaginiValentina BonoBarbara BoselliGabriella CacchiòEmanuele CaggiaVeronica CaleriVincenzo CanonicoSalvatore CaratozzoloGabriele CarboneDaniela CartaMaria Chiara CavalliniGiuliano CerquaAlberto CesterAnnalisa ChiariElisabetta CoppiAntonello CossuBeatrice CossuMaria Immacolata CozzolinoMarina D’agatiSanfilippo DanieleMaria Letizia Del ReBabette DijkAndrea FabboSara FascendiniChiara ForlaniMarino FormilanCarmine FuschilloMichele GennusoCarmela GeraceFabio GiacaloneGiuseppe BarbagalloFabio GueriniMassimo GuidoSimona LinarelloFabio LoricoLucio LuchettiMaurizio LuchettiLivia LudovicoMariacristina LupinettiSavina LuviéMichela MarconDonatella MarianiGiovanna Masone IacobucciLucia MeligranaPaola MelziVanda MenonGiuliana MicaleMauro G. MinerviniRoberto MonasteroEnrico MosselloFrancesco NuccetelliValentina NuceraAnna Vittoria Marta OrsiniCristina PaciCristina PagniTommaso PiccoliAlessio PietrellaAlberto PilottoCamilla PreteValeria PutzuMichele RagnoMonica RicciRoberto RissottoAlessandro RomoriniMara RossoLuca RozziniMaria Antonietta RutiglianiAntonella SantilloFrancesco ScoppaPiero SecretoBarbara SenesiCarlo SerratiAndrea SpanòCarla StangalinoAntonio TettoAlessandro TiezziGloria TognoniMirco Vanelli CoralliConcetto VecchioDaniela VialeGiulia VincetiMarco VistaElisa ZanacchiPatrizia Zannellasubject
Malemedicine.medical_specialtyAgingDiagnosis toolStandardized testItalian centres for cognitive disorders and dementia03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicineSurveys and Questionnairesmental disordersmedicineDementiaHumansCognitive Dysfunction030212 general & internal medicineMedical diagnosisMild cognitive impairment (MCI)Geriatric AssessmentAgedAged 80 and overMini–Mental State Examinationmedicine.diagnostic_testbusiness.industryNeuropsychologyMild cognitive impairmentCognitionmedicine.diseaseMental Status and Dementia TestsItalyPhysical therapySettore MED/26 - NeurologiaDementiaFemaleGeriatrics and GerontologybusinessClock drawing test030217 neurology & neurosurgerydescription
Aims: The purpose of this study was to examine the tools used in Italy to diagnose mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Methods: In collaboration with the Luigi Amaducci Research Consortium, the Italian Network of Alzheimer Evaluation Units prepared a questionnaire to describe how MCI is diagnosed in the Italian Centres for cognitive disorders and dementia (CCDD). Results: Most of the ninety-two CCDDs participating in the survey were located in hospitals (54.7%); large percentages were coordinated by neurologists (50.8%) and geriatricians (44.6%). Almost all (98.5%) used the Mini Mental State Examination to diagnose MCI; the Clock Drawing Test was also frequently used (83.9%). Other neuropsychological, imaging and biomarker tests were utilized less frequently and a wide diversity in the instruments used was noted. Conclusions: According to the results, diagnoses of MCI are based on a multitude of instruments, with major differences in the clinical assessment of geriatricians and neurologists. Standardized testing protocols, validated instruments and cut-off points need to be identified and adopted by the CCDDs for assessing MCI.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2018-09-03 | Aging clinical and experimental research |