Automorphisms of the semigroup of endomorphisms of free associative algebras
A. Kanel-belovA. BerzinsR. Lipyanskisubject
Mathematics::Group TheoryRings and Algebras (math.RA)FOS: MathematicsMathematics - Rings and Algebras08A35 08C05 17B01Mathematics - Commutative AlgebraCommutative Algebra (math.AC)description
Let $A=A(x_{1},...,x_{n})$ be a free associative algebra in $\mathcal{A}$ freely generated over $K$ by a set $X=\{x_{1},...,x_{n}\}$, $End A$ be the semigroup of endomorphisms of $A$, and $Aut End A$ be the group of automorphisms of the semigroup $End A$. We investigate the structure of the groups $Aut End A$ and $Aut \mathcal{A}^{\circ}$, where $\mathcal{A}^{\circ}$ is the category of finitely generated free algebras from $\mathcal{A}$. We prove that the group $Aut End A$ is generated by semi-inner and mirror automorphisms of $End F$ and the group $Aut \mathcal{A}^{\circ}$ is generated by semi-inner and mirror automorphisms of the category $\mathcal{A}^{\circ}$. This result solves an open Problem formulated in \cite{22}
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2005-12-13 |