

The road over the principle bridge to successful change management

Tehmur Ali IfzalAlexander Evgeny Andreassen



Change management has over time received a greater focus, as the companies are looking for new opportunities to improve and evolve their organization by implementing changes. “Bottom up” phenomenon is becoming more emerging, as well as the worker involvement and empowerment. Lean, that normally is seen as the method to reduce waste that was first introduces and used by Toyota. Has in the later years been adapted and used in different occasions, for example to overcome challenges with change management. Moreover, principles are becoming more sought after, to explore their potential. This master's thesis involves examining a case study in collaboration with Norway's largest oil and gas company. The company started a non-traditional way to implement change management. Their initiative has been claimed as a success, due to their operating model together with the developed handbook and its principles. The following research question was investigated: How do the use of principles lead to successful change management? The scope of the research has been to explore the use of principles and how they have led the new initiative to become a success. The scope of the master thesis had the interest to explore how the initiative ended up being a success and was therefore it was not of interest to initially explore whether the initiative itself was a success. The method has been intensive design, with a deductive approach, where the empirical data was obtained using qualitative data. The thesis was developed around an embedded single case study, that allowed the phenomena in question to be studied in the context of the company. Together with observations from meetings, a total of 20 interview candidates were interviewed to illuminate the research question for the thesis. It was claimed by the company that the initiative is a success, but the findings suggest that it is a success only thus far. The findings indications that there is a resistance, skepticism, and change fatigue among the workers offshore and onshore. The scientific value of the thesis' findings is that the principles contribute to battle change fatigue, as well as to empower workers. Moreover, the principles can be used as a bridge between theory and practice, as well as being flexible and adaptable at all organizational levels.
