

Business Sectors Involved in Social Entrepreneurship

María Rodríguez-garcíaVirginia Simón-moya


Consolidation (business)Complementarity (molecular biology)Business sectorSocial entrepreneurshipContext (language use)Social ventureSociologyIdeationEconomic systemSocial economy


The present chapter offers detailed insights about the characteristics at a microeconomic level of four practical examples of social ventures. After providing a robust theoretical framework about the motivations, challenges and aspirations of social entrepreneurs, it is time to put into practice these conceptions through the lens of real social ventures. The literature encourages the use of case studies to connect the theory groundwork, developed in the academy, to real life. As for this call to study, the present chapter thoroughly covers the ideation and consolidation stages of the selected social ventures, which sheds light for inspiration on a context where social entrepreneurship is in the ascendant. Under the light of this complementarity between theory and practice, four social ventures (and their corresponding entrepreneurs) are presented: AUARA, Danza Mobile, Timpers, and BraveUp.
