

Cross-Commodity Spot Price Modeling with Stochastic Volatility and Leverage For Energy Markets

L. VosFred Espen Benth


Statistics and Probability15A04Spot contractSABR volatility model01 natural sciences010104 statistics & probabilityEnergy marketVolatility swap0502 economics and businessEconometricsForward volatilityMean reversionstochastic volatilityleverage0101 mathematicsMathematics050208 financeStochastic volatilityApplied Mathematics05 social sciences91G60subordinator91G20Constant elasticity of variance modelVolatility smileOrnstein-Uhlenbeck process60H3060G1060G51


Spot prices in energy markets exhibit special features, such as price spikes, mean reversion, stochastic volatility, inverse leverage effect, and dependencies between the commodities. In this paper a multivariate stochastic volatility model is introduced which captures these features. The second-order structure and stationarity of the model are analyzed in detail. A simulation method for Monte Carlo generation of price paths is introduced and a numerical example is presented.
