

A Novel Multi-Step Finite-State Automaton for Arbitrarily Deterministic Tsetlin Machine Learning

K. Darshana AbeyrathnaOle-christoffer GranmoRishad ShafikAlex YakovlevAdrian WheeldonJie LeiMorten Goodwin


FOS: Computer and information sciencesComputer Science - Machine LearningArtificial Intelligence (cs.AI)Computer Science - Artificial IntelligenceMachine Learning (cs.LG)


Due to the high energy consumption and scalability challenges of deep learning, there is a critical need to shift research focus towards dealing with energy consumption constraints. Tsetlin Machines (TMs) are a recent approach to machine learning that has demonstrated significantly reduced energy usage compared to neural networks alike, while performing competitively accuracy-wise on several benchmarks. However, TMs rely heavily on energy-costly random number generation to stochastically guide a team of Tsetlin Automata to a Nash Equilibrium of the TM game. In this paper, we propose a novel finite-state learning automaton that can replace the Tsetlin Automata in TM learning, for increased determinism. The new automaton uses multi-step deterministic state jumps to reinforce sub-patterns. Simultaneously, flipping a coin to skip every $d$'th state update ensures diversification by randomization. The $d$-parameter thus allows the degree of randomization to be finely controlled. E.g., $d=1$ makes every update random and $d=\infty$ makes the automaton completely deterministic. Our empirical results show that, overall, only substantial degrees of determinism reduces accuracy. Energy-wise, random number generation constitutes switching energy consumption of the TM, saving up to 11 mW power for larger datasets with high $d$ values. We can thus use the new $d$-parameter to trade off accuracy against energy consumption, to facilitate low-energy machine learning.
