

A multispecies approach for modeling the ecological impact of urban development using landscape graphs

Marc BourgeoisCécile TannierJean-christophe Foltête


[SDE.BE] Environmental Sciences/Biodiversity and Ecology[ SDE.BE ] Environmental Sciences/Biodiversity and Ecologylandscape graphlandscape ecologyurban growthmultispecies approach[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographyconnectivity[SHS.GEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography[SDE.BE]Environmental Sciences/Biodiversity and Ecologyecological network[ SHS.GEO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography


International audience; Managing urban sprawl is become a major concern in the field of landscape ecology, since the land use changes involved by urban development may affect the ability of wildlife species to move across the landscape. In order to compare the ecological impact of several urban patterns, we aim at combining two complementary approaches: 1) Simulations of residential development from an initial land use map, using morphological rules of urban development (i.e. fractal vs non fractal) and accessibility constraints; 2) Models of ecological networks applied to a given natural habitat, using a landscape graphs-based approach. As landscape graphs are built according to the moving ability of animal species, the assessment of the global ecological impact of a given urban development must be based on a multispecies approach. We propose to take into account two basic functional traits of species to represent several species: home range and dispersal distance. Considering the mammal species living in woodlands in the urban region of Besançon (eastern France), three groups of species are defined from the statistical distribution of these traits, leading to the building of three landscape graphs. For each scenario of urban development, the habitat patches are characterized by a rate of variation of a connectivity metric according to each group of species. Finally, several statistical analysis are proposed to provide a synthesis of the local impacts of urbanization towards the whole set of mammals.
