Scattering and gluon emission in a color field : a light-front Hamiltonian approach
Xingbo ZhaoMeijian LiMeijian LiTuomas LappiTuomas Lappisubject
Quarkelectron-ion collisionsNuclear TheoryField (physics)High Energy Physics::LatticeFOS: Physical scienceshiukkasfysiikka114 Physical sciences01 natural sciencesColor-glass condensateNuclear Theory (nucl-th)symbols.namesakeHigh Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)deep inelastic scattering0103 physical sciencesquantum chromodynamicsEffective field theory010306 general physicsquantum field theoryPhysics010308 nuclear & particles physicsScatteringHigh Energy Physics::PhenomenologyTime evolutionGluonHigh Energy Physics - PhenomenologyQuantum electrodynamicssymbolskvanttiväridynamiikkakvanttikenttäteoriaHamiltonian (quantum mechanics)relativistic heavy-ion collisionsdescription
We develop a numerical method to nonperturbatively study scattering and gluon emission of a quark from a colored target using a light-front Hamiltonian approach. The target is described as a classical color field, as in the color glass condensate effective theory. The Fock space of the scattering system is restricted to the |q⟩+|qg⟩ sectors, but the time evolution of this truncated system is solved exactly. This method allows us to study the interplay between coherence and multiple scattering in gluon emission. It could be applied both to studying subeikonal effects in high-energy scattering and to understanding jet quenching in a hot plasma.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2021-09-13 |