

Les Celtes et le Nord de l’Italie : premier et second âges du Fer. Actes du XXXVIe colloque international de l’AFEAF

Philippe BarralJean-paul GuillaumetMarie-jeanne Roulière-lambertMassimo SaracinoDaniele Vitali


[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory


The 36th international conference of the “Association française pour l’étude de l’âge du Fer” or AFEAF was held in Verona, Italy from the 17th to 20th of May 2012 on the theme “Celts in Northern Italy : Early and Late Iron Age” (“I Celti e l’Italia del Nord: Prima e Seconda Eta del Ferro”). The choice to hold a conference of the AFEAF in Italy was in our minds for quite some time : the importance of the discoveries made during these last decades justified this peaceful “incursion” south of the Alps in the province of Venetia, which counts today the greatest number of discoveries and studies concerning the Celtic world in Italy. The conference of Verona offered the opportunity to present the discoveries and the results of the most recent research made in the North of Italy to an important number of specialists of the Celts. It was also the occasion to exchange knowledge about Cisalpine Italy, which was always strongly bound to the Transalpine regions. Completing the presentations of the archaeologists, those of the linguists and numismatists brought a fundamental enrichment to our knowledge on Cisalpine Gaul, which was then a sort of “laboratory” where Rome worked out the methods of conquest and management which it was going to apply years later to the Transalpine world. The themes discussed in the sixty presentations presented in this volume complete each perfectly and give information testifying of the fast renewal of data concerning a great part of Western Europe for the period between the 7th and the 1st century BC, particularly on the question of the relations between the Iron Age communities north and south of the Alps.
