

Communication and dissent: Competing voices in a post-truth world

Guillermo LopezMaria Iranzo-cabreraAdolfo Carratalá


Cultural StudiesPeriodismeCommunicationPolítica de la comunicacióDesinformació


There is a saying that the first victim of any war is the truth. Yet in a disinformation context like that we find nowadays, where there are apparently as many truths as reports defended in the public sphere, it seems hard to reach a consensus about which was the first to be defeated on the battle front. Although lies and fake news have been included in war coverage for some time, as evidenced by the way that William Randolph Hearst treated the Spanish-American war in 1898 with the New York Herald, today disinformation has flooded the yellow journalism field and affected the whole communication system; and now the mass media share it with many other key stakeholders. One clear example of this is the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops that started in February this year. Along with missiles and tanks, lies have formed part of the offensive led by Vladimir Putin.
