

Overdiagnosis and overimaging: an ethical issue for radiological protection

Paolo SartoriGuy FrijaAntonio PintoMarie Claire CantoneSergio SalernoAndrea Laghi


Defensive MedicineMalemedicine.medical_specialtyThyroid GlandContrast MediaMedical OveruseoverdiagnosisSensitivity and Specificity030218 nuclear medicine & medical imagingDefensive medicine03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicinemedicineHumansWhole Body ImagingRadiology Nuclear Medicine and imagingBioethical IssuesEthicOverdiagnosisIntensive care medicineNeuroradiologyRadiation protectionethics; overdiagnosis; overimaging; radiation protectionmedicine.diagnostic_testOverimagingbusiness.industryProstatePhysician Self-ReferralInterventional radiologyGeneral MedicineRadiation ExposurePrivate sectorethicsMagnetic Resonance ImagingTest (assessment)Key factorsOverdiagnosi030220 oncology & carcinogenesisRadiological weaponRadiologybusiness


Aims and objectives: This study aimed to analyse the key factors that influence the overimaging using X-ray such as self-referral, defensive medicine and duplicate imaging studies and to emphasize the ethical problem that derives from it. Materials and methods: In this study, we focused on the more frequent sources of overdiagnosis such as the total-body CT, proposed in the form of screening in both public and private sector, the choice of the most sensitive test for each pathology such as pulmonary embolism, ultrasound investigations mostly of the thyroid and of the prostate and MR examinations, especially of the musculoskeletal system. Results: The direct follow of overdiagnosis and overimaging is the increase in the risk of contrast media infusion, radiant damage, and costs in the worldwide healthcare system. The theme of the costs of overdiagnosis is strongly related to inappropriate or poorly appropriate imaging examination. Conclusions: We underline the ethical imperatives of trust and right conduct, because the major ethical problems in radiology emerge in the justification of medical exposures of patients in the practice. A close cooperation and collaboration across all the physicians responsible for patient care in requiring imaging examination is also important, balancing possible ionizing radiation disadvantages and patient benefits in terms of care.
