

Wellness Technology Use in Everyday Life: A Diary Study

Lauri FrankTuomas KariPanu MoilanenEeva Kettunen


liikuntateknologiakuntoliikuntaApplied psychology030229 sport sciencespäiväkirjatdigitaalitekniikka03 medical and health sciencespelillistäminen0302 clinical medicineurheiludiary studyeHealtheHealth030212 general & internal medicinewellness technologyEveryday lifePsychologydigital wellnessterveysself-gamification


Digital wellness technologies and their use have become exceedingly popular. More and more people are using them in their everyday lives. Respectively, the need to understand their users and usage has increased. This study aims to deepen the understanding of how people use and perceive wellness technologies in their everyday lives. Empirically, the study is based on diaries collected from 18 participants over a six-week period, which are analysed using thematic analysis. The results show that the use of wellness technologies can positively influence wellness motivation. Further, they can help people to learn more about their own wellness related behaviour and its effects (learning-effect). Experience of gamification can influence motivation positively. It also seems that some people engage in self-gamification, which is defined in this study as a desire-based action to gamify some recurring activities or bodily functions. peerReviewed
