

Protective coloration of European vipers throughout the predation sequence

Johanna MappesLaura TuominenJanne K. ValkonenAnnu VakkilaSusanna Pesari


conspicuousness0106 biological sciencesvisiongenetic structuresVipera berusAPOSEMATISMdetectionAVOIDANCEZoologyAposematismFlicker fusion threshold010603 evolutionary biology01 natural sciencesPredationzigzag pattern0501 psychology and cognitive sciencesSTRATEGY050102 behavioral science & comparative psychologyGenus ViperaSEXUAL DICHROMATISMDISTASTEFUL PREYEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsSNAKESanimal colorationbiology05 social sciencesflicker-fusionAnimal colorationbiology.organism_classificationcrypsisdazzle colorationZigzagDISTANCE1181 Ecology evolutionary biologyCrypsiswarning signalAnimal Science and Zoologypredation


Antipredator adaptations in the form of animal coloration are common and often multifunctional. European vipers (genus Vipera) have a characteristic dorsal zigzag pattern, which has been shown to serve as a warning signal to potential predators. At the same time, it has been suggested to decrease detection risk, and to cause a motion dazzle or flicker-fusion effect during movement. We tested these hypotheses by asking whether (1) the zigzag pattern decreases detection risk and (2) the detection is dependent on the base coloration (grey or brown) or the snake's posture (coiled, basking form or S-shaped, active form). Additionally, (3) we measured the fleeing speed of adders, Vipera berus, and calculated the flicker rate of the zigzag pattern, to see whether it is fast enough to cause a flicker-fusion effect against predators. Our results show that the zigzag pattern reduced detectability regardless of base coloration or posture of the snake. The brown zigzag morph was detected less often than the grey zigzag morph. The fleeing speed of adders appeared to be fast enough to induce a flicker-fusion effect for mammalian predators. However, it is unlikely to be fast enough to induce the flicker-fusion effect for raptors. Our findings highlight that the colour pattern of animals can be multifunctional. The same colour pattern that can decrease detection by predators can also serve as a warning function once detected, and potentially hinder capture during an attack. (c) 2020 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Peer reviewed
