

Evaluation of Spanish hospitals participating in the Quality Oncology Practice Initiative program.

Carlos CampsAntonio AntónIlse LugoEduardo Díaz-rubioRafael LópezVicente GuillemPere GascónJesús García-foncillasManuel ConstenlaAlfredo CarratoEnrique ArandaMargarita FeyjooJuan J. Cruz-hernández


OncologyCancer Researchmedicine.medical_specialtyReferralbusiness.industrymedia_common.quotation_subjectOncologyInternal medicineHealth caremedicineQuality (business)Tracking (education)Quality of carebusinessmedia_common


222 Background: Measuring and tracking quality of care is highly relevant in today’s healthcare. The Quality Oncology Practice Initiative (QOPI) program is a referral for evaluating oncology practices worldwide. The ECO Foundation (Excellence and Quality in Oncology), a collaboration of oncology experts from the major Spanish hospitals involved in cancer treatment, reached an agreement with ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) to include Spanish hospitals in its QOPI program. Methods: We analyzed the results of the QOPI core module measures from 19 Spanish hospitals submitting their data in nine rounds (from Fall 2015 to Fall 2019). Results: Of the 19 hospitals, 15 participated more than once; none participated in all 9 rounds (2 hospitals participated in 8 rounds). The highest scores were for pathology report confirming malignancy, documenting plan of care for moderate/severe pain and chemotherapy dose, and chemotherapy administered to patients with metastatic solid tumor with performance status undocumented. Measures regarding a summary of chemotherapy treatment, tobacco use cessation counseling, and assessment of patient emotional well-being were among the lowest scored measures. Six of the 15 practices who participated repeatedly achieved a better score in their last round compared to their first. Overall, scores of Spanish hospitals improved from 67.79% in Fall 2015 to 68.91% in Fall 2019. Conclusions: This is the first study to evaluate QOPI scores in Spain; it showed that repeated participation enhances quality of care, although there is room for improvement. The ECO Foundation will continue supporting and engaging with practices to increase their participation in order to improve oncology care and implement strategies that address the areas for improvement.
