

Variable single-axis magnetic-field generator using permanent magnets

Oleg TretiakPeter BlümlerLykourgos Bougas


Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors530 PhysicsFOS: Physical sciencesInstrumentation and Detectors (physics.ins-det)530 Physiklcsh:Physicslcsh:QC1-999


We present a design for producing precisely adjustable and alternating single-axis magnetic fields based on nested Halbach dipole pairs consisting of permanent magnets only. Our design allows for three dimensional optical and mechanical access to a region with strong adjustable dipolar fields, is compatible with systems operating under vacuum, and does not effectively dissipate heat under normal operational conditions. We present a theoretical analysis of the properties and capabilities of our design and construct a proof-of-concept prototype. Using our prototype, we demonstrate fields of up to several kilogauss with field homogeneities of better than 5%, which are harmonically modulated at frequencies of ∼1 Hz with a power consumption of approximately 1.2 W. Moreover, we discuss how our design can be modified to generate adjustable quadrupolar magnetic fields with gradients as large as 95 kG/m in a region of optical and mechanical access. Our design is scalable and can be constructed to be suitable not only for table-top experiments, as in the case of polarimetric and magnetometric setups that require strong alternating magnetic fields, but also for large scale applications such as generators.
