

Quantization on the Virasoro group

José Navarro-salasVictor Aldaya


Pure mathematicsGroup (mathematics)Quantization (signal processing)Invariant subspaceStatistical and Nonlinear Physics81S10ManifoldGroup representation17B68Algebra58F06Null vector81R10Algebra representation22E65Mathematical PhysicsSymplectic geometryMathematics


The quantization of the Virasoro group is carried out by means of a previously established group approach to quantization. We explicitly work out the two-cocycles on the Virasoro group as a preliminary step. In our scheme the carrier space for all the Virasoro representations is made out of polarized functions on the group manifold. It is proved that this space does not contain null vector states, even forc≦1, although it is not irreducible. The full reduction is achieved in a striaghtforward way by just taking a well defined invariant subspace ℋ(c, h), the orbit of the enveloping algebra through the vacuum, which is irreducible for any value ofc andh. ℋ(c, h) is a proper subspace of the space of polarized functions for those values ofc andh for which the Kac determinant is zero. We give the local version of these group representations as well as the associated classical phase space structures, i.e., symplectic form and Noether invariants.
