

Sacrificio in regime mediatico. Dal fatto al senso, e ritorno

Giovanni Marrone


animality animals semiotics nature sacrificeSettore M-FIL/05 - Filosofia E Teoria Dei Linguaggi


Today we live in a society and in a historical moment that is losing the sense of sacrifice, that is the pertinent interweavings that bind - with respect to the theme of the meat diet and the preliminary killing of the animal for food - man and animals, man and other men through the animal, the animal with other animals through man, not without the necessary inclusion of the cultural context, on the one hand, and divinity and the sacred, on the other. If meaning is given - according to the dictate of semiotics - in the networks of relations that compose it (where - according to the structuralist dictate - relations are primary and related elements secondary), the loss of the sense of sacrifice would be the disappearance of the plots that have, in other historical periods and other cultures, long constituted it. The elements at play - men, animals, situations, deities - persist, their connections fade until they almost disappear, thus strongly transforming them.
