

Reflections about the authentic document in "post mortem" fecundation

Francisca Ramón Fernández


:CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS [UNESCO]Documento indubitadoFecundación post mortemfecundación ?post mortem?Authentic documentthe document for the presentation of the assent raises some doubts in relation with the principle of party autonomy and the new technologies of the information and communication (ICTs). In the present work one thinks about these questions and one tries to contribute some solution of application in the Spanish legal system. Documento indubitadoDERECHO CIVILLegislaciónUNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS2386-4567 22661 Actualidad jurídica iberoamericana 502169 2018 9 6653336 Reflexiones acerca del documento indubitado en la fecundación ?post mortem? Ramón Fernándezlegislación.post mortem fecundationFrancisca The legislation on assisted reproduction contemplates the ?post mortem? fecundation. Nevertheless


[EN] The legislation on assisted reproduction contemplates the ¿post mortem¿ fecundation. Nevertheless, the document for the presentation of the assent raises some doubts in relation with the principle of party autonomy and the new technologies of the information and communication (ICTs). In the present work one thinks about these questions and one tries to contribute some solution of application in the Spanish legal system.
