

Fouille d’un quartier funéraire des Ier et IIe s. dans le suburbium de Soissons/Augusta Suessionum : aires de crémation et inhumations d’enfants

Bastien Gissinger Nadège Robin Amélie Corsiez Benoît Filipiak Jenny Kaurin Sébastien Lepetz Véronique Zech-matterne


[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistoryfosse de rejetsDépartement de l'Aisnebûcher funérairechildren cemeteryoffrandeenclosurescrémationenclosustrinumfunerary mealsArchéologiesépulture à incinérationrubbish pitsépandage charbonneuxsépulture à inhumationComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSpyresrepas funérairesofferings[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistorycharcoal spreadingsnécropole d’enfantsProtohistoirebustumSoissonsdeposits[ SHS.ARCHEO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/HistoryPicardiedépôt[SHS.HIST]Humanities and Social Sciences/Historycremation burialsinhumation burials


In the beginning of 2008 a preventive excavation has been conducted on about 1200 m2 of a large antique cemetery situated upon the butte Saint-Jean at Soissons (Aisne). In this cemetery, almost unknown, located south-west of the Roman town Augusta Suessionum a consistent activity in the part being excavated took place between the Augustan era and mid 2nd c. The total number of inhumations uncovered is 186 (mainly of infants). Cremations were executed from the very beginning altogether with inhumations, in more or less close proximity to them according to periods, then became predominant to the detriment of burials which were just previously arranged. Different structures clearly connected to cremation have been in function within clusters original for the most part of them. Nearly a hundred have been uncovered. In relation with probable ustrina, 70 burials have been discovered, laid near structures being used for cremation. All the stages of these practices can be seen, inside a ground very often reshaped. Deposits contained numerous grave goods (pottery, coins, brooches, mirrors, food) and show human activities and funerary practices inside one of the earliest antique funerary areas of the chief town of the civitas Suessionum.
