

Breaks in the continental environmental equilibrium and intensity changes in aridity over the past 20 000 years in the Central Sahel

Jacques LangA. Durand


ClimatologyMerge (version control)AridGeology


Abstract The record of arid climatic events in continental sedimentation is subject to the intensity of the climatic mechanism which generated them and to the nature of the environment which recorded them. In them Sahel, where the environmental equilibrium is particularly precarious, all types of arid climatic events are likely to be recorded. But the consequences of events of small global intensity (exceptional climatic events and local climatic anomalies) merge with the effects of the ⪡average climate⪢. On the other hand, climatic events on a global scale (climatic crises and climatostratigraphic events) are clearly pointed out, due to the large breaks in environmental equilibrium that they initiate.
