

Combined Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Decaying tobb¯Using the D0 Run II Data Set

Wade Cameron FisherV. A. KuzminSergey BurdinSergey BurdinM. EadsS. P. DenisovThibault GuilleminR. Magaña-villalbaI. Ripp-baudotA. MeyerJ. P. NegretF. BadaudR. K. ShivpuriG. D. AlexeevMarkus WobischS. W. ChoGianluca PetrilloShabnam JabeenV. V. TokmeninR. Luna-garciaR. Luna-garciaMichael HildrethQ. Z. LiI. KiselevichMichael MulhearnA. JayasingheY. A. YatsunenkoP. RenkelDmitri TsybychevR. L. MccarthyP. SkubicG. FaciniH. A. NealJ. T. LinnemannDarren PriceA. JusteJ. OstaJ. ZennamoA. DubeyT. NunnemannB. BaldinFlera RizatdinovaJ. JoshiK. YipD. R. ClaesGavin DaviesH. T. NguyenR. Lopes De SaS. UzunyanJ. F. BartlettRobert KehoeS. Chevalier-théryG. C. BlazeyRaymond BrockSung Keun ParkK. J. SmithAmnon HarelEmanuela BarberisUlrich HeintzA.s. DyshkantS. AtkinsM. MerkinG. AlkhazovD. V. BandurinG. A. García-guerraG. A. García-guerraCarlos AvilaP. LebrunP. LebrunS. SchlobohmS. Söldner-remboldMarco VerzocchiV. SimakSabine LammersA. PatwaR. BeuselinckP. JiangR. YamadaYuji EnariB. C.k. CaseyD. GerbaudoCecile DeterreW. GengW. GengH. GreenleeJean-francois GrivazP. A. KasperAshok KumarKetino KaadzeD. MenezesY. ScheglovFrank FilthautM. DiesburgW. M. LeeGraham WilsonM. NaimuddinD. LiChristophe RoyonMitchell WayneH. SchellmanJ. M. KohliM. H.l.s. WangS. BhatiaN. KhalatyanA. BrossVictor Daniel ElviraSuneel DuttP. N. RatoffS. CaughronP. JonssonStefan GrünendahlA. PalTulika BoseS. J. De JongGuennadi BorissovThomas HebbekerJ. KrausMarcia BegalliI. Heredia-de La CruzGeorge AlversonShangfeng YangA. S. ItoA. MelnitchoukMary Beth AdamsY. PetersArnulf QuadtA. EvdokimovA. AltonA. AltonL. ZivkovicM. BuehlerB. TuchmingD. HedinMaksym TitovS. KulikovL. S. VertogradovElemer NagyA. JonckheereMeenakshi NarainP. SalcidoD. A. StoyanovaN. ProkopenkoA. LobodenkoNeeti ParasharH. D. WahlJ. HoganAnna GoussiouV. V. LipaevJ. LellouchJ. OrdunaPhilip BaringerAnthony RossJan StarkHenry LubattiRobert HiroskyS. BanerjeeI. RazumovAlexander GrohsjeanD. WickeY. W. LiuEmilien ChaponA. Sanchez-hernandezV. M. AbazovDaria ZieminskaN. OsmanV. SharyR. BernhardI. HowleyV. M. PodstavkovM. ZielinskiJiping ZhuJ. HaysY. N. KharzheevL. Welty-riegerD. K. ChoW. E. CooperRui WangD. ChakrabortyJean-arcady MeyerL. BagbyD. EdmundsPedro G MercadanteA. A. ShchukinGregory R SnowY. T. TsaiY. IlchenkoG. GutierrezHongfang LiuM. FortnerA. ChandraFrank FiedlerSuyong ChoiLev UvarovA. CrocPushpalatha C BhatS. GrederIain Alexander BertramA. S. SantosH. HegabV. PariharG. GolovanovK. M. ChanE. KajfaszPh GrisK. DevaughanAndreas Werner JungArnaud DuperrinG. SavageMarvin JohnsonA. L. LyonAndrew AskewA. V. KozelovM. P. SandersJose Andres Garcia-gonzalezD. SmirnovH. LiZhenyu YeR. D. SchambergerB. HoeneisenYurii MaravinG. SajotVladimir GavrilovLee SawyerDon LincolnErich VarnesW. C. YangMaxim PerfilovV. N. EvdokimovA. DasP. SvoiskyM. S. RangelM. RominskyMark Richard James WilliamsN. K. MondalD. BolineD. KarmanovYuri GershteinGordon WattsH. T. DiehlM. M. MeijerJ. SnowT. YasudaT. G. ZhaoW. YeSudhir MalikR. IllingworthDaniel DugganS. DesaiPetr VokacGregorio BernardiD. DenisovT. HeadD.p. BrownHang YinSharon HagopianM. PadillaA. K.a. MacielA. BoehnleinIa IashviliE. E. BoosBrajesh C ChoudharyL. BellantoniAvto KharchilavaJ. ClutterT. HoangAlexander KhanovPhillip GutierrezV. BunichevX. LeiHal EvansThomas FerbelM. PrewittE. De La Cruz-bureloLars SonnenscheinHeriberto Castilla-valdezJason I. BrownJ. EllisonHorst SeveriniS. FuessT. KurcaT. KurcaE. Camacho-pérezElizaveta ShabalinaM. VesterinenP. D. GrannisJ. WeichertHakjae LeeNikos VarelasC. L. McgivernBing ZhouKonstantinos PetridisR. JesikAndrew BrandtK. A. JohnsP. NeustroevKirti RanjanFrederic DeliotMartin GrunewaldReinhard SchwienhorstMilos LokajicekTiefu ZhaoCarsten HenselS. W. YounRichard B. LiptonRuchika NayyarKristian HarderR. MadarM. JaffréM. C. CousinouDarien WoodP. L.m. Podesta-lermaP. L.m. Podesta-lermaL. FengA. V. PopovJoseph HaleyKamil AugstenC. P. BuszelloYuehong XieS. BlessingW. M. Van LeeuwenP. F. DingScott SnyderD. CuttsShih-chang LeeBrad AbbottPierre PetroffChristopher George TullyJ. WarcholAlexander KupcoB. S. AcharyaR. Van KootenPatrick SlatteryI. KatsanosM. D. CorcoranV. E. BazterraL. HanJ. K. LimG. GrenierG. GrenierN. ParuaD. VilanovaRandy RuchtiGreg LandsbergK. HernerS. CihangirAaron DominguezMarc BesanconX. B. BuFabrice CoudercJ. SekaricMichael A. StraussLiang LiEmily JohnsonK. SoustruznikLev DudkoZdenek HubacekA. P. HeinsonM. A. PleierT. ScanlonGuo-ming ChenS. KermicheSuman Bala BeriV. HynekJ. M. YuTodd AdamsTerry Richard WyattM. HohlfeldH. E. FiskSteven W. ShawS. UvarovA. Y. VerkheevAran Garcia-bellidoGavin Grant HeskethGavin Grant HeskethB. QuinnC. SchwanenbergerAlice BeanVolker BuescherJ. M. HauptmanCecilia Elena GerberG. GintherG. GintherHarald FoxL. SuterJianming QianMaiko TakahashiI. A. VasilyevVipin BhatnagarR. PartridgeR. PartridgeKenneth BloomV. L. MalyshevK. Tschann-grimmM. S. JeongU. BasslerRegina DeminaS. ChakrabartiP. RubinovF. MiconiOleg BrandtJ. Martínez-ortegaBjoern PenningM. CookeAndrew WhiteJohn HobbsP. VerdierP. Verdier


PhysicsParticle physics010308 nuclear & particles physicsHigh Energy Physics::PhenomenologyTevatronGeneral Physics and Astronomy01 natural sciencesStandard deviationlaw.inventionStandard ModelNuclear physicslaw0103 physical sciencesHiggs bosonRange (statistics)High Energy Physics::ExperimentFermilabNuclear Experiment010306 general physicsColliderBoson


We present the results of the combination of searches for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with a W or Z boson and decaying into b bbar using the data sample collected with the D0 detector in p pbar collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We derive 95% CL upper limits on the Higgs boson cross section relative to the standard model prediction in the mass range 100 GeV <= M_H <= 150 GeV, and we exclude Higgs bosons with masses smaller than 102 GeV at the 95% CL. In the mass range 120 GeV <= M_H <= 145 GeV the data exhibit an excess above the background prediction with a global significance of 1.5 standard deviations, consistent with the expectation in the presence of a standard model Higgs boson.
