

Mobile Communication: Media Effects

Leopoldina FortunatiSakari Taipale


Communication designmobile phoneSociology of cultureMultimediacommunicationComputer sciencebusiness.industrymediaCommunication studiesta5142computer.software_genreMass communicationDigital mediaMobile mediata5141Mobile telephonyta518businesscomputerSocial structure


This entry introduces the reader to various media effects of mobile communication devices. The special focus is on mobile phones. The entry begins with a presentation of media effects on communication practices, on users, as well as on interlocutors and bystanders. It continues by analyzing the reverse effects of users on the redesign of mobile media. Lastly, the issues of how mobile communication is connected to social and geographical surroundings and how the use of mobile communication devices is related to the social structures of society are addressed. The entry concludes with a discussion of the media effects of mobile communication in the future. Keywords: digital media; mobile communication; sociology of culture and media
