

Promuovere le character skills per la transizione scuola-università: una ricerca- intervento internazionale

A Di Vita


character skills school-university transition educational-professional guidance international research projectSettore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia Speciale


In this contribution, we want to describe methodological assumptions with which to promote some character skills that must be trained in the students attending high school in view of the transition from school to university. These abilities are related to the person’s character, emotional and psychosocial aspects of the personality like flexibility, creativity, open-mindedness, resilience, decision-making skill and self-image. These skills significantly contribute to the construction of the 16-18-year-old student’s identity and support the development of his professional maturity during the school education period. High school teachers can contribute to this development by applying didactic guiding strategies, already well tested in previous researches, for helping students to construct their own professional life project. Finally, starting from results of a pilot research carried out in the 2018-2019 school year, the general outlines of an international research project are presented: this research project implies the effective collaboration between high school teachers and university professors in the common commitment to reduce the gap between the state of development in which self-image, decision-making skill and strategic study skills of the students are at the end of high school studies and what these skills should be when they enter university.
