

Major and trace elements in Boletus aereus and Clitopilus prunulus growing on volcanic and sedimentary soils of Sicily (Italy)

E. TamburoA. La RosaG. VasquezMaria Grazia AlaimoGaetano DongarraDaniela Varrica


Health Toxicology and Mutagenesischemistry.chemical_elementBioconcentrationVolcanic Eruptions010501 environmental sciencesMajor and trace element01 natural sciencesMetalWild-grown edible mushroomSettore BIO/01 - Botanica GeneraleSoilSoil pHBioconcentration factorICP-MSFruiting Bodies FungalSicilySoil Microbiology0105 earth and related environmental sciencesCadmiumbiologyBasidiomycota010401 analytical chemistryPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthGeneral Medicinebiology.organism_classificationPollutionTrace Elements0104 chemical sciencesSettore GEO/08 - Geochimica E VulcanologiaBoletus aereusHorticulturechemistryMetalsvisual_artSoil watervisual_art.visual_art_mediumSedimentary rockAgaricalesClitopilus prunulus


The aim of this study was to determine and compare the content of 28 elements (Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sb, Se, Sr, Tl, U, V and Zn) in fruiting bodies of Boletus aereus Bull. and Clitopilus prunulus P. Kumm collected from eleven unpolluted sites of Sicily (Italy) and, also to relate the abundance of chemical elements in soil with their concentration in mushrooms. Median concentrations of the most abundant elements in Boletus aereus ranged from 31,290 μg/g (K) to 107 μg/g (Zn) in caps and from 24,009 μg/g (K) to 57 μg/g (Zn) in stalks with the following abundance order: K > Na > Ca > Mg > Fe > Al > Rb > Zn. The same elements, in the whole fruiting body of Clitopilus prunulus samples, varied in the range 54,073–92 μg/g following the abundance order: K > Na > Mg > Ca > Fe > Al > Rb > Zn. Metal contents in Boletus aereus and in the whole fruiting body of Clitopilus prunulus, collected from the same sampling sites, showed statistically significant differences for most elements. In particular, Clitopilus prunulus contained around two to four times more Co, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mo, Pb, U and V than caps and stalks of Boletus aereus species which, in turn, was from two to four times more enriched in Cu, Se and Tl. Thus, the elemental content of Boletus aereus and Clitopilus prunulus appeared to be species-dependent. The distribution of chemical elements in Boletus aereus was not uniform throughout the whole fruiting body as most elements were significantly bioconcentrated in caps. Furthermore, the fruit bodies of Boletus aereus from the volcanic soil differed both in major and minor elements concentrations from those collected from sedimentary soils. Cadmium and lead concentrations were below the threshold limits for wild mushrooms proposed by EU Directives (2008 and 2015). The elemental content was not significantly influenced by soil pH.
