

Conceptions associated with sense of belonging in different school placements for Finnish pupils with special education needs

Minna SaarinenHenri PesonenElina KontuRaija Pirttimaa


Semi-structured interviewspecial education needsAbleismSpecial educationHealth Professions (miscellaneous)EducationPhenomenology (philosophy)Nonprobability samplingPedagogyCredibilityDevelopmental and Educational PsychologyMathematics education0501 psychology and cognitive sciencesta516school climatespecial education4. Education05 social sciencesBehavior change050301 educationschool placementsense of belongingPsychology0503 education050104 developmental & child psychologyQualitative research


AbstractThe aim of this study was to examine conceptions associated with sense of belonging (SEBE) in Finnish general and special school placements for pupils with special education needs. Five pupils were selected for this study by means of purposive sampling. They had a history of several school placements prior to arriving at their current special school. Qualitative phenomenographic analyses of interview transcripts revealed numerous conceptions regarding the pupils’ SEBE in the different educational placements. The pupils had undergone numerous placements in which their SEBE had been jeopardised, as disturbing relationships with teachers and peers seemed to have affected the pupils’ mental and physical well-being, resulting in disturbing behaviours in their earlier educational settings. Despite the various placements and issues of ableism, stigmatisation and exclusion, the pupils felt ‘better’ in their current, special, school with a positive climate. Furthermore, the findings of this study provided ...
