

Literacy skills seem to fuel literacy enjoyment, rather than vice versa

Elsje Van BergenSara A. HartAntti LatvalaEero VuoksimaaAsko TolvanenMinna Torppa


INTRINSIC MOTIVATIONreading abilitycausalityympäristötekijätCognitive NeuroscienceCHILDRENS MOTIVATIONeducationTWINlapset (ikäryhmät)heritabilitybehavioral disciplines and activitieslukeminenkielellinen kehityslukuharrastusDevelopmental and Educational PsychologyACADEMIC-ACHIEVEMENTREADING-ACHIEVEMENTliteracy skillsASSOCIATIONSkaksostutkimusGENDER-DIFFERENCESSELF-DETERMINATION THEORYENGAGEMENT/dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/quality_educationhumanities6122 Literature studieslukutaitoSCHOOLkausaliteettigeneettiset tekijätSDG 4 - Quality Educationprint exposureliteracy enjoyment


Children who like to read and write tend to be better at it. This association is typically interpreted as enjoyment impacting engagement in literacy activities, which boosts literacy skills. We fitted direction-of-causation models to partial data of 3690 Finnish twins aged 12. Literacy skills were rated by the twins' teachers and literacy enjoyment by the twins themselves. A bivariate twin model showed substantial genetic influences on literacy skills (70%) and literacy enjoyment (35%). In both skills and enjoyment, shared-environmental influences explained about 20% in each. The best-fitting direction-of-causation model showed that skills impacted enjoyment, while the influence in the other direction was zero. The genetic influences on skills influenced enjoyment, likely via the skills -> enjoyment path. This indicates an active gene-environment correlation: children with an aptitude for good literacy skills are more likely to enjoy reading and seek out literacy activities. To a lesser extent, it was also the shared-environmental influences on children's skills that propagated to influence children's literacy enjoyment. Environmental influences that foster children's literacy skills (e.g., families and schools), also foster children's love for reading and writing. These findings underline the importance of nurturing children's literacy skills. Highlights It's known that how much children enjoy reading and writing and how good they are at it correlates similar to 0.30, but causality remains unknown. We tested the direction of causation in 3690 twins aged 12. Literacy skills impacted literacy enjoyment, but not the other way around. Genetics influence children's literacy skills and how much they like and choose to read and write, indicating genetic niche picking. Peer reviewed
