

Micropropagation of Citrus spp. by Organogenesis and Somatic Embryogenesis.

Benedetta ChianconeMaria Germana


GermplasmSomatic embryogenesisfungiPolyembryonyfood and beveragesOrganogenesisBiologySettore AGR/03 - Arboricoltura Generale E Coltivazioni ArboreeCuttingMicropropagationBotanyMicropropagationCitrus spp.OrganogenesisSomatic Embryogenesis.CultivarRootstock


Citrus spp., the largest fruit crops produced worldwide, are usually asexually propagated by cuttings or grafting onto seedling rootstocks. Most of Citrus genotypes are characterized by polyembryony due to the occurrence of adventive nucellar embryos, which lead to the production of true-to-type plants by seed germination. Tissue culture and micropropagation, in particular, are valuable alternatives to traditional propagation to obtain a high number of uniform and healthy plants in a short time and in a small space. Moreover, in vitro propagation provides a rapid system to multiply the progeny obtained by breeding programs, allows the use of monoembryonic and seedless genotypes as rootstocks, and it is very useful also for breeding and germplasm preservation.In this chapter, two protocols regarding organogenesis of a rootstock and somatic embryogenesis of a cultivar have been described.
