

Datorzinātne un informācijas tehnoloģijas: Datu bāzes un informācijas sistēmas: doktorantu konsorcijs. Sestā Starptautiskā Baltijas konference BalticDB&IS 2004 Rīga, Latvija, 2004. gada 6.-9. jūnijs

Latvijas Universitāte


Computational complexityDatnesQuantum algorithmsDatabasesDataInformation systems:TECHNOLOGY::Information technology::Computer science [Research Subject Categories]DatubāzesQuantum computingBoolean functionsInformācijas sistēmas


The Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems is a biannual international forum for technical discussion among researchers and developers of database and information systems. The objective of the conference is to bring together researchers as well as practitioners and PhD students in the field of computing research that will improve the construction of future information systems. On the other hand, the conference is giving opportunities to developers, users and researchers of advanced IS technologies to present their work and to exchange their ideas and at the same time providing a feedback to database community.
