

Les différents modes d'évocation des défunts chez Les Eduens, les Lingons et les Séquanes au Haut-Empire (Ier - IIIème siècle) : de l'épigraphie à la représentation figurée

Anne-laure Edme


ArcheologyArchéologie[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/HistoryÉpigraphiePériode gallo-RomaineArt funéraire[SHS.HIST]Humanities and Social Sciences/HistoryFuneral artEpigraphyRoman period


This new study of funerary monuments in Roman Gaul aims at putting emphasis on the various tools used by the ancient populations to perpetuate the memories of their dead. Thanks to carved images or texts, the mention of the name, of the identity of the deceased and of specific aspects of his everyday life were some of the means used to keep his memory alive in the world of the living. The geographical area chosen corresponds to three ancient territories : thoose of the Aeduens, the Lingons and the Sequans. Geographically and culturally close, these territories show indeed the same funeral traditions in ancient times. As for the chronological frame, it is limited to the Early Roman Empire, from the 1st to the 3rd centuries. Thanks to an epigraphic and iconographic analysis of the stone monuments, the question of the funeral choices made by the person who commisioned the tom bis raised. Indeed, the ways of evocation diverge according to different criteria, thus implying significant changes in the aspect and the shape of graves. Do the latter denote practices specific to a city or a social group ? In the same way, the epigraphic applications are suitable to the information that the dead wishes to convey.The typological, stylistic and textual comparisons made with orther monuments from Gaul and Italy enable to analyse the particular commemorative practices of indigenous romanised populations from north-eastern Gaul.Through the study of a provincial corpus, this thesis completes the various researches dealing with Roman funeral art.
