

Predictors of risk of learning disabilities

Annamaria PepiAgata MalteseLidia Scifo


Settore M-PSI/04 - Psicologia Dello Sviluppo E Psicologia Dell'Educazionepredictors of risk learning disabilities learning of reading and writing emergent literacy and formalized


Involves all the skills, knowledge and attitudes that are presumed to be precursors of the development of conventional forms of reading and writing (Whitehurst and Lonigan, 1998). It been traced a continuity of development between the first emergent literacy skills, starting from kindergarten, and early reading skills (Phillips BM et al). Children who have difficulty in the early stages of learning to read is very likely continue to present both in later school years further failures in this area (Cornoldi,Tressoldi, 2007) triggered a negative spiral and problematic process (Tressoldi e Vio, 1996). There are numerous empirical confirmation of the importance of early identification of difficulties associated with the early stages of literacy emerging (Gijsel, M.A.R., Bosman, A.M.T. e Verhoeven, L. , 2006)
