

Synthesis and study of new fluorescent probes for optical imaging, Cherenkov imaging and multimodal imaging

Yann Bernhard


Imagerie CherenkovPhthalocyaninesOptical ImagingCherenkov ImagingSubphthalocyaninesTitania nanotubesMultimodal ImagingUSPIO[CHIM.THEO]Chemical Sciences/Theoretical and/or physical chemistryLiposomePhtalocyanines[CHIM.THEO] Chemical Sciences/Theoretical and/or physical chemistryDOTAImagerie optiqueImagerie multimodaleNanotubes d’oxyde de titaneFluorescéineSubphtalocyaninesFluoresceine


The goal of this work was to prepare and study new fluorescent probes, which could give rise to novel optical or Cherenkov imaging agents. The first section of this work describes the synthesis of fluorescent subphthalocyanines and phthalocyanines probes, which possess relevant chemicals groups suitable for optical imaging applications. The optical and physico-chemical properties of the new probes were carefully examined to ensure they comply with the specification of the fluorophores for the desired application. The second part focused on the subsequent development of a few selected probes into real imaging agents. The biovectorisation of subphtalocyanines was achieved upon conjugation of a peptide either with the probe or with a liposome that encapsulate the probe. Phthalocyanine-based functional probes were engaged in the synthesis of nanohybrides made of iron oxide nanoparticles or titania nanotubes, to afford bimodal or theranostic agents. In a final part, the energy transfer phenomenon (CRET) between Cherenkov emitting radionuclides and organic fluorophores was studied. The optimal transfer parameters were considered to prepare a CRET probe made of a fluorescein moiety covalently attached to an Yttrium-90 complex. Finally, the ability to emit in the near infrared window was explored by multi-CRET-FRET transfer.
