Studies using the körperkoordinationstest für (ktk): A review
Susanna IivonenArja SääkslahtiArto Laukkanensubject
Literaturebusiness.industryGross motor skillApplied psychologyMEDLINEPsycINFOlanguage.human_languageTest (assessment)GermanAge groupslanguageMedicineOrthopedics and Sports MedicinebusinessInclusion (education)Motor skilldescription
Introduction When encouraging children to active lifestyle, a suitable test for the gross motor coordination, specifically mastering of fundamental motor skills, is of great use. To evaluate and choose a suitable test for different purposes it is important to know its usage in different settings. The Korperkoordinationstest fur Kinder (KTK) [1] is a test, which mainly focuses on gross motor coordination of both normal and impaired children. The KTK is quite simple and quick to administer, the same items cover all age groups (5–15 years). This study aims to introduce the KTK's usage on a basis of literature review. Specifically, the aim is to extract information on KTK's pros, cons and suggestions to help evaluate its suitability to different purposes. Methods To gather articles reporting on the KTK we made a systematic search from MEDLINE (ProQuest), PsycINFO (ProQuest), SPORTDiscus with Full Text (EBSCO), PubMed (Medline) and Web of Science - WoS. Inclusion criteria were: – a search term existed in the title or abstract; – the “KTK” did not refer something else than Korperkoordinations test; – published in English/German peer reviewed journal. Results We identified 192 potential titles. After duplicates removal 42 articles (13 German) satisfied the criteria. The articles, published 1975–2013, reported 8 different designs taking place in 11 countries with 17–7175 participants (age range 5–26 years). The articles fell into 6 categories according to purposes for which the KTK was used in normal or special populations. The KTK's use in different settings, pros, cons, and suitability based on the authors’ judgments will be presented. Conclusions Results will be scrutinized and some key points will be formulated to generate critical discussion.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2014-10-01 | Science & Sports |