

Are replicate evaluations of triangle tests during a session good practice?

François SauvageotCatherine Dacremont


Nutrition and DieteticseducationApplied psychologyReplicatebehavioral disciplines and activitiesSensory analysishumanitiesSession (web analytics)Test (assessment)body regionshealth services administrationGood practicePsychologySocial psychologyFood Science


Results from four experiments in which replicated triangle tests were performed are reported. Two experiments were carried out with non experienced assessors and the two other ones with experienced assessors. Results from the non experienced assessors showed a slight performance increase from the beginning to the end of the session whereas results from the experienced assessors did not. This is explained by an attentional process allowing non experienced assessors to gradually focus their attention on the difference between the two tested products. In some specific occasions, replicate triangle tests might be a good methodological practice when the purpose of the test is to study the effect of some modifications on the product. Replicates increase the detection ability of the panel and the power of the test when the number of assessors is limited.
