

Disseminated tuberculosis in a patient treated with a JAK2 selective inhibitor: a case report

Lucia SiracusaClaudia ColombaMarcello TrizzinoRaffaella RubinoFrancesco LalicataLucina TitoneManlio Tolomeo


MaleOncologymedicine.medical_specialtyRuxolitinibTuberculosisSettore MED/17 - Malattie InfettiveAnemiaAntitubercular AgentsMyelofibrosislcsh:MedicineCase ReportGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular BiologyProinflammatory cytokineMyeloproliferative DisordersInternal medicineNitrilesmedicineHumansTuberculosisMyelofibrosislcsh:Science (General)lcsh:QH301-705.5Medicine(all)Janus kinase 2biologyLatent tuberculosisBiochemistry Genetics and Molecular Biology(all)business.industryTuberculosis Myelofibrosis Ruxolitiniblcsh:RGeneral MedicineJanus Kinase 2medicine.diseasePyrimidinesRuxolitiniblcsh:Biology (General)Primary MyelofibrosisImmunologybiology.proteinPyrazolesbusinessmedicine.druglcsh:Q1-390


Abstract Background Primary myelofibrosis is a myeloproliferative disorder characterized by bone marrow fibrosis, abnormal cytokine expression, splenomegaly and anemia. The activation of JAK2 and the increased levels of circulating proinflammatory cytokines seem to play an important role in the pathogenesis of myelofibrosis. Novel therapeutic agents targeting JAKs have been developed for the treatment of myeloproliferative disorders. Ruxolitinib (INCB018424) is the most recent among them. Case presentation To our knowledge, there is no evidence from clinical trials of an increased risk of tuberculosis during treatment with JAK inhibitors. Here we describe the first case of tuberculosis in a patient treated with Ruxolitinib, a male with a 12-year history of chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis admitted to our Institute because of fever, night sweats, weight loss and an enlarging mass in the left inguinal area for two months. Conclusion Treatment with Ruxolitinib may have triggered the reactivation of latent tuberculosis because of an inhibition of Th1 response. Our case highlights the importance of an accurate screening for latent tuberculosis before starting an anti-JAK 2 treatment.
