

On structural phase transitions in the (C 5 H 12 N) 2 SbCl 5 crystals

B. Bednarska-bolekJacek ZaleskiGrażyna BatorRyszard Jakubas


Phase transitionChemistryOrganic ChemistryCyclohexane conformationDielectricAnalytical ChemistryInorganic ChemistryCrystalCrystallographyDifferential scanning calorimetryOctahedronPhase (matter)X-ray crystallographySpectroscopy


Abstract The results of the X-ray (at 295 and 355 K), dilatometric, differential scanning calorimetry and dielectric studies on a new piperidinium crystal, (C5H12N)2SbCl5, are presented. The anionic sublattice of the crystal is built up of infinite (SbCl52−)n chains composed of SbCl63− distorted octahedra connected with each other by corners. In voids of anionic sublattice two crystallographically independent piperidinium cations are located. At 295 K they are both in chair conformation. The compound undergoes three first-order phase transitions at 378.5 K (I→II), 339.5 K (II→III) and 205 K (III→IV). The mechanism of the (II→III) transition (Pna21→P212121) was proposed based on the X-ray data. It is associated with changes in the conformation of the N(1) cation. In phase (III) its conformation changes to twist boat. The physical properties of this crystal are compared to those found for the other piperidinium crystals of the (C5H12N)2MX5 (M=Sb, Bi; X=Cl, Br) type.
