

Determinants of Chairman Compensation

Lars OxelheimLars OxelheimLars OxelheimKevin Clarkson


Executive compensationComputingMilieux_THECOMPUTINGPROFESSIONSupervisory boardbusiness.industryCompensation (psychology)ComputingMilieux_PERSONALCOMPUTINGComputingMilieux_LEGALASPECTSOFCOMPUTINGAccountingPay for performanceGeneralLiterature_MISCELLANEOUSEarnings managementComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDSOCIETYPositive relationshipbusiness


This study examines determinants of chairman compensation in a supervisory board setting and, specifically, the relationship between chairman and CEO compensation. Using a sample of publicly listed firms in Sweden, the study indicates that chairman compensation – despite its fixed nature – is reflective of firm performance via a positive relationship to CEO compensation. As CEO compensation is set before chairman compensation, we argue that the chairman may be inclined to conspire with the CEO in earnings management efforts at the expense of monitoring on behalf of investors. Supporting our argument, we find evidence that the gap between chairman and CEO compensation is less at firms where the chairman has previously served on the executive management team.
