

Parenté et fraternité monastique dans les miracles posthumes de saint Honorat (Vita sancti Honorati, BHL 3976, fin XIIIe siècle)

Eliana Magnani


Moyen ÂgeLérins[ SHS.HIST ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Historyhagiographie[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/Historymiraclescomportement sexuel[SHS.HIST]Humanities and Social Sciences/HistorymariageHonorat de Lérinsparentéfemmes


Kinship and monastic fraternity in the saint Honoratus miracles at the end of the 13th century (Vita sancti Honorati - BHL 3976) - The legendary Life of saint Honoratus, founding abbot of Lerins and archbishop of Arles (BHL 3976), is a long anonymous narrative of the end of the 13th century. The chapters 30-48 gather together 37 posthumous miracles of the saint. These narratives, close to the contemporary exempla, are rich in moral teachings and display the social relationships representations from the monastic fraternity ideal pattern viewpoint. They point out the insertion of the conjugal unit in a large fabric of horizontal relationships converging to Lerins, and the sexual behavioral codes that govern the marriage and place the women in the core of the alliances stability.
