

Bedrock Characterisation of Four Candidate Repository Sites in Finland As Determined by He-Gas Methods

J. HartikainenJussi TimonenAimo HautojärviK. Hartikainen


Nuclear facilitiesgeographygeography.geographical_feature_categoryMaterials scienceBedrockWestern europeRock typesSoil sciencePetroleum reservoirWaste disposal


AbstractAt the end of the year 2000, one of four sites will be chosen as the final repository site in Finland. Therefore accurate and comprehensive statistics of the bedrock characteristics such as porosity [% ] and effective diffusion coefficient [m2/s ] of these sites are of importance. Altogether 115 rock samples from the four sites were measured by different He-gas methods to achieve this goal.The results obtained indicate that the average bedrock properties at these sites are quite similar. Variations among individual samples and different rock types within one repository site were larger than variations among the averaged values of the four sites. Some indication of increased microfracturing was also found in samples of small size.
