

Infra-Red Asymptotic Dynamics of Gauge Invariant Charged Fields: QED versus QCD

Salvatore MiccichèE. D'emilio


PhysicsQuarkCoupling constantQuantum chromodynamicsHigh Energy Physics - TheoryNuclear and High Energy PhysicsPropagatorFOS: Physical sciencesgauge theories QED QCD non local fieldsFactorizationHigh Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)Quantum mechanicsGauge theoryQuantum field theoryMass gapMathematical physics


The freedom one has in constructing locally gauge invariant charged fields in gauge theories is analyzed in full detail and exploited to construct, in QED, an electron field whose two-point function W(p), up to the fourth order in the coupling constant, is normalized with on-shell normalization conditions and is, nonetheless, infra-red finite; as a consequence the radiative corrections vanish on the mass shell $p^2=\mu^2$ and the free field singularity is dominant, although, in contrast to quantum field theories with mass gap, the eigenvalue $\mu^2$ of the mass operator is not isolated. The same construction, carried out for the quark in QCD, is not sufficient for cancellation of infra-red divergences to take place in the fourth order. The latter divergences, however, satisfy a simple factorization equation. We speculate on the scenario that could be drawn about infra-red asymptotic dynamics of QCD, should this factorization equation be true in any order of perturbation theory.
