

Le dossier de M. Helvius Anthus. Ou comment une mauvaise édition initiale entraîne la création d’ un « monstre » social

Sabine Lefebvre


HommageDieu Ianus Pater[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and PrehistoryLucurgentumÉpigraphieBétiqueAffranchiStatueStatue ; Lucurgentum ; Bétique ; Épigraphie ; Affranchi ; Dieu Ianus Pater ; HommageComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSEpigraphy ; Emancipated Slave ; God Ianus Pater ; Statue ; Tribute ; Lucurgentum ; Baetica


An inscription discovered in Baetica and wrongly read by the publishers, was understood only late. The first reading, erroneous, gave rise to an impossible social situation of the Roman point of view : a slave would have had his statue on the forum of Lucurgentum ! More recent works allowed to correct this initial error and to restore the text, a testimony of the essay of upward social mobility of an emancipated slave, an evergete offering among others a statue of the god Ianus Pater.
