

Looking for the best modes helps solving the MRCPSP/max

Agustín BarriosVicente VallsFrancisco Ballestín


Rate-monotonic schedulingEarliest deadline first schedulingMathematical optimizationNurse scheduling problemComputer scienceGenetic algorithm schedulingStrategy and ManagementEvolutionary algorithmDynamic priority schedulingManagement Science and Operations ResearchIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringFair-share schedulingScheduling (computing)


The multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem with minimum and maximum time lags MRCPSP/max is a very general project scheduling problem with multiple execution modes per activity, renewable and non-renewable resources and minimum and maximum time lags between activities. In this paper, we describe SA-EVA, an algorithm for the problem. SA-EVA first searches for the best mode for each activity, without considering renewable resources. In this phase a simulated annealing is applied. Once a mode vector has been chosen, the problem reduces to the RCPSP/max, which SA-EVA solves with EVA, an algorithm designed in Ballestin et al. [2009. An evolutionary algorithm for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with minimum and maximum time-lags. Journal of Scheduling, 14 (4), online]. Computational results show that SA-EVA outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms in medium and large instances.
