Reproducibility of pulse wave velocity and augmentation index derived from non-invasive occlusive oscillometric tonometry analysis in adolescents
Aapo VeijalainenEero A. HaapalaEero A. HaapalaUrho M. KujalaTaija Finnisubject
MaleTime FactorsPhysiologyIntraclass correlation030204 cardiovascular system & hematologyBody fat percentage0302 clinical medicinenuoretMedicineta315Pulse wave velocityadiposityyouthAge FactorsVO2 maxta3141General MedicineRepeatabilityHealthy Volunteersfitnessfyysinen kuntoarterial stiffnessCardiorespiratory FitnessFemaleBioelectrical impedance analysisAdolescentManometryCoefficient of variationrasvaprosenttiPulse Wave Analysista3111verenkiertoYoung Adult03 medical and health sciencesVascular StiffnessPredictive Value of TestsOscillometryPhysiology (medical)maksimaalinen hapenottoHumansblood circulationkehonkoostumusReproducibilityreliabilitybusiness.industryReproducibility of Results030229 sport sciencesphysical fitnessbusinessNuclear medicinedescription
The aim of this study was to investigate the short-term reproducibility of aortic pulse wave velocity (PWVao) and augmentation index (AIx%) assessed by the non-invasive oscillometric device. Altogether of 55 (19 boys, 36 girls) adolescents 16-19-years-of-age participated in the study. PWVao and AIx% were measured during the same laboratory visit at 2 min intervals using the Arteriograph™ device. Peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak ) was assessed by the maximal exercise test on a cycle ergometer and body fat percentage by bioelectrical impedance analysis. We studied reproducibility using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), coefficient variation with the root-means-square method expressed as percentages (CV%), and 95% limit of agreement (95% LA) and coefficient repeatability of the Bland-Altman plot. ICC for PWVao was 0·90, CV% 3·7 and the limits of agreement were -0·70 and 0·58 with a coefficient repeatability of 0·65. ICC for AIx% was 0·88, CV% 29·1%, and the limits of agreement were -6·8 and 7·1 with a coefficient repeatability of 6·9. No relevant differences in ICC, CV%, and coefficient repeatability for PWVao between adolescents with higher or lower VO2peak or body fat percentage were observed. For AIx%, ICC was lower, CV% higher and coefficient repeatability higher in adolescents with higher VO2peak or lower body fat percentage than in adolescents with lower VO2peak or higher body fat percentage. Short-term reproducibility of Arteriograph™-derived PWVao was relatively good and was not affected by VO2peak or adiposity. However, the reproducibility of AIx% was modest especially among adolescents with higher VO2peak and lower body fat percentage.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2018-01-09 | Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging |