

Short telomere length is associated with impaired cognitive performance in European ancestry cohorts

Narelle K. HansellNarelle K. HansellNicholas G. MartinVeryan CoddVeryan CoddP.e. SlagboomJ-j HottengaElina SillanpääA.j.m. De CraenLotte GerritsenRolf AdolfssonChandra A. ReynoldsCarmen Martin-ruizAnne ViljanenLinda BroerJohn M. StarrIryna O. FedkoDorret I. BoomsmaGhu ZhuSofie DegermanMarian BeekmanMargaret J. WrightAnders LundquistS. J. Van Der LeeAlexander PlonerNajaf AminDale R. NyholtDale R. NyholtYiqiang ZhanDiana KuhRobert KarlssonAnnelie Nordin AdolfssonJaakko KaprioJaakko KaprioJoris DeelenJoris DeelenSara HäggH.e.d. SuchimanNancy L. PedersenLars NybergK-j KanT. Von ZglinickiGrant W. MontgomeryNilesh J. SamaniNilesh J. SamaniIan J. DearyC.m. Van DuijnTaina RantanenSarah E. HarrisAndrew WongRiccardo E. MarioniRiccardo E. Marioni


0301 basic medicineOncologycognitionNetherlands Twin Register (NTR)Psychometricsgenetic associationgenotypepolymerase chain reactionStatistics as TopicNeuropsychological Testsgenetic riskDISEASE3124 Neurology and psychiatryCohort Studies0302 clinical medicinesingle nucleotide polymorphismcognitive defectYOUNG-ADULTSgenetic variabilitytelomere lengthMedicineGWAScognitive performanceta515depth perceptionNetherlandsRISKlearningmedicine.diagnostic_testdigit symbol substitution testquantitative analysisDEMENTIAGenetic Carrier ScreeningadultarticleMini Mental State ExaminationCognitionta3142episodic memoryznf208 geneMiddle AgedTelomereapolipoprotein E4cohort analysisrtel1 genePsychiatry and Mental healthPROCESSING SPEEDacyp2 genefemaleancestry groupMENDELIAN RANDOMIZATIONOriginal ArticleClinical psychologymedicine.medical_specialtytert genePsychometricsMendelian randomization analysisgenetic risk scoreWhite People03 medical and health sciencesCellular and Molecular NeurosciencemaleInternal medicineMendelian randomizationpleiotropyJournal Article/dk/atira/pure/keywords/cohort_studies/netherlands_twin_register_ntr_HumansCognitive DysfunctionEffects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performancehumangeneBiological PsychiatryMETAANALYSISAgedterc geneStroop testMini–Mental State Examinationgenome-wide association studyIDENTIFICATIONPsykologi (exklusive tillämpad psykologi)business.industryMORTALITYobfc1 genemajor clinical studyConfidence intervalPsychology (excluding Applied Psychology)030104 developmental biologyexecutive functionDigit symbol substitution testnaf1 geneobservational studybusiness030217 neurology & neurosurgeryStroop effect


AbstractThe association between telomere length (TL) dynamics on cognitive performance over the life-course is not well understood. This study meta-analyses observational and causal associations between TL and six cognitive traits, with stratifications on APOE genotype, in a Mendelian Randomization (MR) framework. Twelve European cohorts (N=17 052; mean age=59.2±8.8 years) provided results for associations between qPCR-measured TL (T/S-ratio scale) and general cognitive function, mini-mental state exam (MMSE), processing speed by digit symbol substitution test (DSST), visuospatial functioning, memory and executive functioning (STROOP). In addition, a genetic risk score (GRS) for TL including seven known genetic variants for TL was calculated, and used in associations with cognitive traits as outcomes in all cohorts. Observational analyses showed that longer telomeres were associated with better scores on DSST (β=0.051 per s.d.-increase of TL; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.024, 0.077; P=0.0002), and MMSE (β=0.025; 95% CI: 0.002, 0.047; P=0.03), and faster STROOP (β=−0.053; 95% CI: −0.087, −0.018; P=0.003). Effects for DSST were stronger in APOE ɛ4 non-carriers (β=0.081; 95% CI: 0.045, 0.117; P=1.0 × 10−5), whereas carriers performed better in STROOP (β=−0.074; 95% CI: −0.140, −0.009; P=0.03). Causal associations were found for STROOP only (β=−0.598 per s.d.-increase of TL; 95% CI: −1.125, −0.072; P=0.026), with a larger effect in ɛ4-carriers (β=−0.699; 95% CI: −1.330, −0.069; P=0.03). Two-sample replication analyses using CHARGE summary statistics showed causal effects between TL and general cognitive function and DSST, but not with STROOP. In conclusion, we suggest causal effects from longer TL on better cognitive performance, where APOE ɛ4-carriers might be at differential risk.
