Actual evapotranspiration estimation by means of airborne and satellite remote sensing data
Giuseppe CiraoloGuido D'ursoMario Minacapillisubject
MeteorologyMultispectral imageevapotranspirationEnergy balanceHyperspectral imagingenergy balanceAncillary dataremote sensingRemote sensing (archaeology)EvapotranspirationEnvironmental scienceSatelliteScale (map)Remote sensingdescription
ABSTRACT During the last the two decades, the scientific community developed detailed mathematical models for simulating land surface energy fluxes and crop evapotrans piration rates by means of a energy ba lance approach. These models can be applied in large areas and with a spatial distributed approach using surface brightness temperature and some ancillary data retrieved from satellite/airborne remote sensed imagery. In this paper a district scale application in combination with multispectral (LandaSat 7 TM data) and hyperspectral airborne MIVIS data has been carried out to test the potentialities of two different energy balance models to estimate evapotranspiration fluxes from a set of typical Mediterranean crops (wine, olive, citrus). The impact of different spatial and radiometric resolutions of MIVIS (3m x 3m) and LandSat (60m x 60m) on models-derived fluxes has been investigated to understand the roles and the main conceptual differences between the two models which respec tively use a single-layer (S EBAL) and a two-layer(TS) schematisation. Keywords: actual evapotranspiration, spatial resolution, surface energy balance.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2006-09-29 |