

Empowering New Agents of Civil Society or Fostering Good Citizens? : Framing Youth Participation in Finnish Youth Organizations

Hanna Laitinen


jäsenyysvolunteeringnuoretvapaaehtoisuuskehysanalyysiyouth participationcivil society organizationsosallistuminenkansalaisjärjestöt


This article investigates how nationwide Finnish youth civil society organizations frame their approaches to youth participation. By analyzing data from interviews, websites, and annual reports, five frames are identified. The frames differ in how they define the purpose of participation, whom they see as the main actors, and what kind of member, volunteer, or other participant roles they provide to young people. Three frames are used as master frames that see young people as agents, learners, or targets of support; two subordinate frames expand the scopes of the organizations. Only some of the frames include any concept of integrating young people into the civil society. peerReviewed
