

Definition of a fiber macro-model for nonlinear analysis of infilled frames

Giuseppe ManciniF. Di TrapaniGabriele BertagnoliDiego GinoLiborio CavaleriMarzia Malavisi


Infilled framesComputer scienceCorrelations; FEM; Fiber-section elements; Infilled frames; Macromodelling; Micromodelling; Stress-strain; Computational Mathematics; Computers in Earth Sciences; Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering GeologyStress-strainComputers in Earth SciencesA fibersMacroMicromodellingFEMCorrelationsbusiness.industryStress–strain curveComputational mathematicsStructural engineeringGeotechnical Engineering and Engineering GeologyFiber-section elementFinite element methodCorrelationInfilled framesComputational MathematicsNonlinear systemSettore ICAR/09 - Tecnica Delle CostruzionibusinessFiber-section elementsInfilled frameMacromodelling


A common way to model infill-frame interaction is the use equivalent strut macromodels. In most cases these are compression only resistant truss elements defined with a multi-linear axial-force / axial-displacement law. The main difficulty in using this approach is to correctly calibrate such a force-displacement curve (slope of ascending and post-peak branches, critical yielding, peak and residual forces) because of the large number of variables (mechanical and elastic properties of materials) and the different possible damage mechanisms activated for the frame-infill system. Another possible way is using fiber-section elements as diagonal struts. In this case the force-displacement law is substituted by a stressstrain curve. In both cases a reliable definition of inelastic response of the strut, based on mechanical approaches, which are valid in general is not easy, as most of models provide rules valid for specific typologies of infills (e.g. weak or strong infills) and frames (e.g. concrete or steel frames). Based on this, the paper proposes the use of fiber-section diagonal struts with a concrete-type stress-strain relationship calibrated using a semi-empirical approach. The Kent-Scott-Park model, depending on four parameters, is used as reference constitutive law for the strut. Experimental data and additional numerical simulations are used to derive semiempirical correlations linking geometrical and mechanical properties of the frame-infill system to the aforementioned parameters governing nonlinear response of the diagonal. Analytical expressions of the best fitting curves are finally provided and suggested as design equation.
