

”Ottakaa tämä edelleen kielikoulutuksena”: Lukioon valmistavan koulutuksen ja aikuisten perusopetuksen opettajat ja opiskelijat koulutusten tavoitteita erittelemässä

Niina LiljaHeidi Vaarala


valmistava koulutusjäsenkategoria-analyysiComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONsuomi toisena kielenäArtikkelitkielitietoinen opettajakielenoppija


This article examines how teachers and students in 1) preparatory training for upper secondary school and in 2) basic education for adults (comprehensive school) talk about the objectives of these forms of education. More specifically, the analysis focuses on the talk about language and language learning as part of educational objectives. The data come from two ethnographic research projects and consist of video recording of classroom interaction and interviews. The main method of analysis is membership categorization analysis (see Baker 1997, 2002; Nikander 2010, 2012). The focus is thus on the categories that come up in the talk about learning objectives related to language and language learning. The observations made in the analysis show that there is a high level of linguistic awareness amongst teachers of different subject contents. Therefore, the findings challenge the perception that subject teachers would focus exclusively on content. peerReviewed
