

Recycling ground tire rubber (GTR) scraps as high-impact filler of in situ produced polyketone matrix

Francesco CiardelliElisa PassagliaRoberto SpinielloRoberta SulcisFrancesco VizzaNadka Tzankova DintchevaWerner Oberhauser


Thermogravimetric analysisMaterials scienceDifferential scanning calorimetryPolymers and PlasticsNatural rubberPolyketonevisual_artComposite numberCopolymervisual_art.visual_art_mediumIn situ polymerizationComposite materialDispersion (chemistry)


A sustainable procedure for recycling powdered rubber coming from scrap tires (ground tire rubber [GTR]) is proposed as based on the dispersion in polyketone (PK) matrix, obtained in situ by CO/ethylene copolymerization. Three types of catalysts are used operative in solvents of different polarities. The catalyst productivity and the hybrids morphology are evaluated and optimized to final composites features. The obtained products are characterized by scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and solvent extractions in order to investigate the occurrence and the extent of interactions between PK macromolecular chains and the GTR components; and their effects on the final properties were tested by differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, and rheological measurements. For comparison purpose, a composite with GTR included into the matrix through blending is prepared. The results evidenced the key role exerted by the catalyst that, when operative in apolar solvent (able to swell the rubber phase), provides composites with good interfacial adhesion and breaking up of the particles with beneficial effects on final properties particularly thermal features and processability. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
