

Real-Time Assembly Support System with Hidden Markov Model and Hybrid Extensions

Arpad GellertStefan-alexandru PrecupAlexandru MateiBogdan-constantin PîrvuConstantin-bala Zamfirescu


General MathematicsComputer Science (miscellaneous)assembly support systems; hidden Markov models; prediction by partial matching; hybrid predictionEngineering (miscellaneous)


This paper presents a context-aware adaptive assembly assistance system meant to support factory workers by embedding predictive capabilities. The research is focused on the predictor which suggests the next assembly step. Hidden Markov models are analyzed for this purpose. Several prediction methods have been previously evaluated and the prediction by partial matching, which was the most efficient, is considered in this work as a component of a hybrid model together with an optimally configured hidden Markov model. The experimental results show that the hidden Markov model is a viable choice to predict the next assembly step, whereas the hybrid predictor is even better, outperforming in some cases all the other models. Nevertheless, an assembly assistance system meant to support factory workers needs to embed multiple models to exhibit valuable predictive capabilities.
