

Quel marketing pour les entreprises culturelles européennes ou comment renouveler l'offre face à une consommation en mouvement ?

Séverine MarteauxRémi MencarelliMathilde Pulh


consumption tendencies[SHS.GESTION]Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationtrend marketingcultural supplytendances de consommation[ SHS.GESTION ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationoffre culturelle


A conclusion is widely shared by the professionals of cultural sector: the consumers' motivations have changed and especially, their relation with the cultural products and services. This article seeks to analyse different trends applied to various fields of cultural sector (live shows, museums, cultural industries...) in order to improve the understanding of this "new" cultural audience. We define and illustrate each seven consumption orientations. Finally, we make evaluate each tendency by professionals of the cultural field.
